Tech. Sgt. Anthony E. Salazar
Tech. Sgt. Anthony E. Salazar, 40, of Hermosa Beach, California, died April 13, at an air base in southwest Asia in a non-combat related incident. The incident is under investigation. He was assigned to the 577th Expeditionary Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force Squadron, 1st Expeditionary Civil Engineer Group, U.S. Air Forces Central Command. Salazar was a mechanical systems repairman, whose job was to ensure facility operations at an air base in the Gulf region that is supporting operations against Islamic State militants. Salazar was assigned to the 577th Expeditionary Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force Squadron, part of the 1st Expeditionary Civil Engineer Group and reporting to U.S. Air Forces Central Command. The unit's headquarters is at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, but Salazar's squadron was assigned elsewhere in the Gulf region. Riverside National Cemetery