Sgt 1st Class Martin R. Apolinar
Born: December 31, 2023 in Arizona
Died: May 29, 2024 in Wardak, Afghanistan
Sgt First Class Martin R. Apolinar of Glendale, Arizona died at age 28 in Wardak province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. His military education includes, Warrior Leader’s Course, U.S. Army Combatives Course Level 1 and 2, Combat Life Savers Course, Special Forces Qualification Course, Special Forces Advanced Reconnaissance Target Analysis and Exploitation Techniques Course, Joint Fires Observer Course, Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape Course, and Advance Leader’s Course. Apolinar’s military awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal; Purple Heart; Army Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal; Afghanistan Campaign Medal; Iraq Campaign Medal with one campaign star; Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Overseas Service Medal; Army Service Ribbon; NATO Medal; Combat Infantryman Badge and Parachutists Badge. He earned the Special Forces Tab and Ranger Tab.
3rd Special Forces Group
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Burial is at National Memorial Cemetery in Phoenix, Arizona - Sec 56 Site 565
To be updated…

The Sgt 1st Class Martin R. Apolinar by Freedom Remembered, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.