Spc Andrew E. Lara

April 29th, 2011

Born: December 7, 2024 in Albany, Oregon
Died: April 27, 2024 in Babil, Iraq

Spc. Andrew E. Lara of Albany, Oregon is a 2004 graduate of South Albany High School. Drew enlisted in the Army National Guard June of 2009, and upon returning from basic training reported for duty in Woodburn. He died at age 25 of a noncombat related incident, in Babil province, Iraq. He leaves his parents, Ramiro and Lynn Lara, his young daughter, KayLynn and her mother, Dorothy Justice, and a brother, Joshua Lara, who was also serving as an active member of the Oregon National Guard.
National Guard
F Company
145th Brigade Support Battalion
attached to the
3rd Battalion
116th Cavalry Regiment

Burial is at Willamette Memorial Park in Albany, Oregon

To be updated…

Creative Commons License
The Spc Andrew E. Lara by Freedom Remembered, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Author: Categories: Army, Operation New Dawn, Oregon, Recent Casualties Tags:
  1. kimberlr
    May 27th, 2011 at 21:04 | #1

    Andrew, Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. You have been a great loss to our community. You have such a wonderful family and a beautiful daughter. You are an amazing young man from an amazing family. We all wish you were coming home in August with the rest of the 3-116. They all miss you…We all miss you. You were of our own boys serving with all of ours at JBB. Thank you Andrew. You are truly a Hero in our small town and to our family. You will be greatly misssed.
    The Ridders Family

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