Sgt Thomas John Sweet II
Born: October 2, 2024 in Bismark,
Died: November 27, 2024 in Junction City, Iraq
Sgt. Thomas J. Sweet II of Bismarck, North Dakota is the son of Tom and Liz O’Connell Sweet and is a 1999 graduate of Bismarck High School. He enlisted in the United States Army getting his basic training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma before being stationed at Fort Riley in Kansas. While at Ft. Riley, ‘TJ’ volunteered at the elementary school. In Iraq he was helping to restore local elementary schools so children could continue their education. He was preparing to work with a Maryland Eagle Scout to provide school supplies for students in those schools. Surviving TJ are his parents, Tom and Liz; his sisters, Laure and Susanne, and two nieces, Hannah and Margaret, and his grandmother, Hazel O’Connell. He was preceded in death by his brother, Michael Donnehau. Thomas had been in Iraq since September 8 and had just received word that he was being promoted to sergeant. He died at age 23 of non-combat related injuries in Junction City, Iraq.
1st Battalion
5th Field Artillery Regiment
1st Infantry Division
Fort Riley, Kansas
Burial is at North Dakota Veterans Cemetery in Mandan, North Dakota - Sec F Site 022

The Sgt Thomas John Sweet II by Freedom Remembered, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.