Sgt Gregory Allen Wagner
Born: November 26, 2024 in Mitchell, South Dakota
Died: May 8, 2024 in Baghdad, Iraq
Staff Sgt. Gregory A. Wagner of Mitchell, South Dakota is the son of Velma and the late Charles Wagner who had also served in the armed forces as a sergeant with the United States Army. Greg graduated in 1989 from Hanson High School where he played offensive line and also was a linebacker for the Beavers. He worked full-time for the National Guard as a heavy mobile equipment repairer at the Surface Equipment Maintenance Complex in Mitchell. Greg started his military service during his senior year and reported to basic training at Fort Leonard Wood on June 1, 2024 and was called to active duty in support of OIF 05-07 on June 13, 2005. His leadership and medical skills were valuable assets to train subordinates while all the squad leaders and higher leadership were taking advance training at Fort Dix. After three months of intensive training at Fort Dix, Greg arrived in Iraq where he was assigned as a TC with 3rd Platoon, 1st Squad. He was tasked with training Iraqi Police and securing the safety of the Iraqi people. He lived the warrior ethos and was a top notch NCO who always placed his soldiers’ needs before his own. He had a tremendous sense of humor, an exceptional ability to forgive and care for others, and Greg had a strong belief in team work. He was a team leader for “Charlie” battery serving a one-year tour in Iraq. Charlie Battery’s mission involves training and evaluating the Iraqi Police Force in one of the city’s police districts. His Awards and Decorations include, the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal with Four Oak Leaf Clusters, The National Defense Service Medal with “M” Device, the Iraqi Campaign Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Non-Commissioned Officers Professional Development Ribbon, the Army Service Ribbon, the Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Ribbon, the South Dakota Distinguished Service Medal with Four Oak Clusters, the Expert Marksmanship Qualification Badge, and the Driver and Mechanic Badge. He was also awarded the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, the Combat Action Badge posthumously. Gregory was a key to the strength management of A-Btry and had recruited his nephew Ryan. He was and active member of the American Legion and had carried on his late father’s duties of calling the roll during Memorial Day observances. He was preceded in death by his father, Charles on June 25, 2002. Greg died at age 35 of injuries sustained in Baghdad, Iraq when an improvised fire projectile struck his HMMWV during combat operation.
Charlie battery
Army National Guard
1st Battalion
147th Field Artillery
Yankton, South Dakota
Burial is at Saint Marys Cemetery in Alexandria, South Dakota

The Sgt Gregory Allen Wagner by Freedom Remembered, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.