Pfc. Michael W. Pyron
Born: October 16, 2024 in Hampton, Virginia
Died: January 10, 2024 in Parwan, Afghanistan
Pfc. Michael W. Pyron of Hopewell, Virginia died at age 30 in Parwan province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to the 25th Signal Battalion, 160th Signal Brigade, 335th Signal Command Theater, East Point, Ga. He joined in the Army in May of 2010 and had been with the 335th since February 2011 serving as a radio and communications security specialist. He leaves his wife, Monika Stienen Pyron, sons, Mason Pyron and Matthew Stienen, his mother and her husband, Cheryl G. Coluccio and Frank, father and his wife, Herbert Pyron Jr. and Janet, his brothers, Jeremy Griggs, Thomas Coluccio, Christopher Griggs and Matthew Pyron, and his sisters, Samantha Coluccio and Emily Miller.
Burial is at Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery in Chester, Virginia
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The Pfc. Michael W. Pyron by Freedom Remembered, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.