Petty Officer 1st Class (SEAL) Caleb A. Nelson
Born: February 25, 2024
Died: October 1, 2024 in Zabul, Afghanistan
Petty Officer 1st Class (SEAL) Caleb A. Nelson of Omaha, Nebraska died at age 26 after his vehicle struck an improvised explosive device while conducting a combat patrol in Zabul province, Afghanistan. Nelson was assigned to an East Coast-based Naval Special Warfare unit, Norfolk, Va. He entered the Navy in the engineering career field and graduated boot camp on October 11, 2005. He then attended service school training at Great Lakes, Ill and was rated as a Machinist’s Mate. After graduating from Navy technical training, Nelson was accepted to attend Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training in Coronado, Calif. He graduated SEAL Qualification Training with Class 260 in November 2006. In December 2006, he reported to his East Coast based Naval Special Warfare Unit where he served until his death in 2011. PO Nelson was a highly decorated and seasoned combat veteran. In 2009 he deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. In March 2011, Petty Officer Nelson deployed again to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star with Valor, Purple Heart, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Medal, Sea Service Ribbon (2 awards), NATO Service Medal, Expert Rifle ribbon, and Expert Pistol ribbon.
Burial is at Voss Mohr Cemetery in Chalco, Nebraska
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The Petty Officer 1st Class (SEAL) Caleb A. Nelson by Freedom Remembered, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.