Home > Texas > Joshua Hernandez

Joshua Hernandez

June 15th, 2010

Born on May 7, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas

Died on June 4, 2024 in Baghdad, Iraq

Joshua was a son of LCDR John M. Hernandez and Marta G. Hernandez. A talented and gifted musician and singer, Josh touched every life he came in touch with. He loved children, laughter and his country. He served in the United States Marine Corps and achieved the rank of corporal. Joshua served tours in the Persian Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan during his career. He was wounded in an IED explosion during Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah, Iraq, in November of 2004, for which he received the Purple Heart. His father was also in Iraq during that time. Joshua left the Marine’s when his term was over begun working as a civilian contractor providing security for diplomats and the United States Ambassador to Iraq. Joshua apparently died from complications of the shrapnel that he was still carrying in his body. His father, now retired from the Navy, escorted Joshua’s remains home. Besides his parents his children; brothers, John and Moses; beloved grandmothers and many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends, survive Joshua. He was buried in Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in section 41, site 646.

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The Joshua Hernandez by Freedom Remembered, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
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