Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
“Bucket fillers” are those who help without being asked, give hugs and compliments, and generally spread their love and good feelings to others. The simple metaphor of a bucket helps even preschoolers understand the importance of consideration and love, particularly towards those who bully.
Students in classrooms at Waldon Middle School in Lake Orion, Michigan, were learning about the character concept of “Bucketfilling” and how to live their lives as “Bucketfillers.” A bucketfiller, the students learned, is a person who does his or her best to think kind thoughts, or do kind, considerate actions towards others. They initiate goodness without being asked and naturally extend good caring feelings to others. These bucketfilling actions are always done in a sincere and genuine manner.
The students of Donna DeWitt Schnell are committed to doing 500 acts of kindness in the names of Capt Marcus R. Alford and CWO Billie Jean Grinder. The following link is a blog with all of their acts done to honor these two soldiers.

The Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Freedom Remembered, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.