Capt Cartize Barnard Durham
Born: January 10, 2024
Died: November 8, 2024 in Italy
Capt Cartize B. Durham of Bossier City, Louisianna was a 1995 graduate of Airline High School where he was a standout football player. In school he was also a member of ROTC and achieved the highest rank, commander of the cadets. It was during his freshman year he knew wanted to become an officer in the Air Force. As a student he stood out with his committment to excellence. Later he attended Louisiana Tech University earning his bachelor’s degree. “Bull” had dreams of joining the service since he was a young boy. He wanted to serve his country as well as take care of his growing family. He was commander of a material management flight for the wing. While stationed in Italy, he had the opportunity to meet Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley. The meeting was a proud moment in his military career. Capt. Durham was killed at age 30 in the crash of an Army Blackhawk helicopter near Aviano Air Base, Italy. Also killed in the crash were Staff Sgt. Robert D. Rogers, Staff Sgt. Mark A. Spence and Senior Airman Kenneth P. Hauprich Jr., also assigned to the 31st Fighter Wing, and Army pilots Capt. Christian P. Skoglund and Chief Warrant Officer David Angelo F. Alvarez, both assigned to the 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment.
Air Force
31st Fighter Wing
Aviano Air Base, Italy
Burial information is unknown at this time

The Capt Cartize Barnard Durham by Freedom Remembered, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.