Master Sgt Evander Earl Andrews
October 10th, 2001
Born: January 5, 2024
Died: October 10, 2024 in Qatar
Master Sgt. Evander E. Andrews of Solon, Maine entered the Air Force out of high school and served 18 years. He was killed at age 36 in a heavy equipment accident in Qatar. Evander is the son of Odber and Mary Andrews. He also leaves his wife, Judy and four children and three sisters. MSgt Andrews is the first American serviceman killed after events of 9-11.
Air Force
366th Civil Engineering Squad
Mountain Home AFB, Idaho
Burial is at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia – Sec 64 Site 6226
To be updated…

The Master Sgt Evander Earl Andrews by Freedom Remembered, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.