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Jamie Tate’s, “I’ll Give My All”

January 8th, 2011

Meet North Carolina native Jamie Tate. An emerging new Country artist, Jamie originally recorded “I’ll Give My All” simply to show her support for our troops, but the song has since taken on a much bigger role. Tate’s patriotic single is the featured song in a unique sponsorship campaign in which corporate or private sponsors can purchase “I’ll Give My All” download cards. Each card contains a printed code that grants the cardholder access to Tate’s official website, www.IllGiveMyAll.com, where the song can be downloaded for free. The project aims to distribute at least one million cards to U.S. troops stationed around the world. Every download will also result in a donation to the Wounded Warrior Project, the USO of North Carolina and the Military Family Lifestyle Charitable Foundation. The single is also available for purchase at all major digital outlets, including amazon.com and iTunes.

And, Jamie had some very special guests helping her record this special anthem – the 82nd Airborne All-American Chorus. Once the world-renowned group from Fort Bragg heard her song, they offered to lend their services. The result is a stirring tribute to the sacrifice our men and women have made, and continue to make, every single day.
Jamie Tate video blast

Creative Commons License
The Jamie Tate’s, “I’ll Give My All” by Freedom Remembered, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
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