1st Lt William J. Donnelly IV
Born: March 29, 2024 in Maryland
Died: November 25, 2024 in Helmand, Afghanistan
1st Lt. William J. Donnelly IV of Picayune, Mississippi is a graduate of Picayune Memorial High School. Will enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve in 2003. He transferred to the Navy Reserve as a midshipman to attend the United States Merchant Marine Academy where he served as regimental commander over the regiment of midshipmen his senior year. On June 16, 2024 he accepted his commission into the United States Marine Corps graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in marine engineering. He deployed to Afghanistan in late September of 2010. His awards include, the Purple Heart, Combat Action Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, and Afghanistan Campaign Medal. He leaves his wife, Linsey, his parents, Mr. William Donnelly III and Mrs. Vicki Donnelly, two sisters, Lt. j.g. Melissa Weed and Rebecca Donnelly. He died at age 27 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.
3rd Battalion
5th Marine Regiment
1st Marine Division
I Marine Expeditionary Force
Camp Pendleton, California
Burial is at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia - Sec 60 Site 9502
To be updated…

The 1st Lt William J. Donnelly IV by Freedom Remembered, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Dear Son, It has been just over 7 weeks since you have been killed in Afganistan on Thanksgiving Day. I have been trying to care for others and be strong. I don’t want to believe you are gone but today I realized you are dead, you have been killed by the enemy. We buried you a few weeks ago and I have been living in a fog since the marines came to the door on Thanksgiving Day to tell us the bad news. It seems unreal to me and I don’t want to believe it. I love you son and glad you knew Jesus as your Saviour. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. I miss you so much. Goodnight son, Love Mom